

  • 雷姆.庫哈斯 Rem Koolhaas

    臺北表演藝術中心 建築師 (大都會建築師事務所 創始人建築師)
    Architect of the Taipei Performing Arts Center (TPAC)
    Founder of the Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA)
    Rem Koolhaas



    Inspired by Taiwanese hotpot as a diagram of consolidation and efficiency, Taipei Performing Arts Center (TPAC) is designed by OMA, led by renowned architects Rem Koolhaas and David Gianotten, and will be the new cultural landmark in Taiwan.

    Resembling a magic cube, TPAC is a complex structure housing one grand theater (1,501 seats), one proscenium theater (799 seats) and one multiform theater (400-800 seats), while the grand theater and multiform theater can be combined into a super theater (65m x 20m stage space) to accommodate productions with monumental scale.

  • 王孟超 Austin Wang

    Director of the Taipei Performing Arts Center (TPAC)
    Rem Koolhaas



    Inspired by Taiwanese hotpot as a diagram of consolidation and efficiency, Taipei Performing Arts Center (TPAC) is designed by OMA, led by renowned architects Rem Koolhaas and David Gianotten, and will be the new cultural landmark in Taiwan.

    Resembling a magic cube, TPAC is a complex structure housing one grand theater (1,501 seats), one proscenium theater (799 seats) and one multiform theater (400-800 seats), while the grand theater and multiform theater can be combined into a super theater (65m x 20m stage space) to accommodate productions with monumental scale.